Help Protect Your Family and Business
by Disinfecting and Sanitizing Your
Air-Handling System
W.F. Hann & Sons has been addressing the needs of homeowners and business owners across the Northeastern Ohio area since 1907. Throughout the years, we have continued to expand our scope of helping and serving the people in these communities with new and improved means of addressing issues we all face. Our commitment is to the public we serve. This is why we are now offering our neighbors a disinfection and sanitizing service to better protect their families. Our technicians use an antibacterial cleaning agent to disinfect the home, as well as sanitizing areas where most of the heated air flows through your system. This procedure takes in your:
- Blower compartment
- Blower wheel
- Filter compartment
Disinfect House
In order to disinfect your house and living quarters, we also deliver a complimentary filter system review – which entails examining to see if a simple upgrade can enhance your filter system. W.F. Hann & Sons will closely examine the following:
- Allergy or asthma filters
- Odor control filters
- Polarized filter media
Filter System
We believe it is essential to disinfect home and living quarters in order to keep everything sanitized.  This allows your home or business to be entirely free of any harmful bacteria and your environment as healthy as it can be. To learn more about what our professionals can do to help protect and disinfect your home, call W.F. Hann & Sons today at 216-831-4200.